Learning Story by Jhoan Dela Cruz, Dayhome Educator in Edmonton

With lots of loose parts and open-ended materials offered, I was lucky to observe a gorgeous interaction
between Jiro and Jimmel.

Jimmel and Jiro engage socially with one another, playing blocks and cars together. “Pick,” Jiro asserts, handing the dime carton blocks or coin rollers to Jimmel. He’s the one taking the lead. Jimmel accepts, collects the blocks, and places them in the truck, imagining these are logs. As their play continues, Jiro and Jimmel engage in a dialogue about the logs. Jiro suggests, “Go, put blocks,” and Jimmel responds, “Fast, go,” encouraging each other as they load all the logs into the truck.

What learning is happening here?
Isn’t this how life is at its best? Friends cheering each other throughout their play tasks, communicating
and building responsive and reciprocal relationships? Respecting each other.

Children have a strong sense of identity. Jimmel and Jiro interact with each other with care and

Children are effective communicators. They make choices which help them establish and nurture
friendships and develop understanding.

Jiro and Jimmel collaborated to stack the blocks. Then, Jiro proposed, “Jimmel, look at blocks.” They
appeared to be contemplating how to enhance their play, perhaps considering what other interesting
elements they could incorporate. Jiro introduced the stacking carton blocks and the small cars,
demonstrating their ability to innovate and extend their play.


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