By Aruni Wickramasuriya, Dayhome Educator in Edmonton Luke and Marcus are interested in building towers using blocks. I chose this activity to teach number recognition through their favourite blocks. I wrote numbers on the board, not in order, and asked them to match and build the towers according to numbers. This activity helped to develop […]
By Breezy Divino, Dayhome Educator in Edmonton Today, Frida and Mila engaged in patterning through the use of farm animals. Using Farm Toys and Sensory Materials as a Provocation Using our well-loved toys and sensory materials, the children were invited through a provocation. Theyeagerly sat and started touching the items. Frida recognized the animals and […]
Story by Janet Huffman, Childcare Consultant in Fort McMurray. Photos from Kiddo’s Kare Dayhome. My curiosity was peeked when I saw the pictures that were shared from Kiddo’s Kare Dayhome. I wanted to know more about the provocations that were being explored. Where did this interest start? What learning do we see? What dispositions do […]
By Maria Grewal, Dayhome Educator in Edmonton This week the “Ambulance Tour” was a remarkable life experience and learning opportunity for all the children at “The Children’s Studio”! The children’s curiosity and anticipation was built up as they were all waiting for Monday to arrive and have the “Ambulance Tour”! The clock was ticking and […]
By Kathy McCallum, Dayhome Educator in St. Albert Sticks are by far the most desired tool in our program. There are so many different ways to use them. For example, to dig holes, to measure how deep a puddle is, to write or draw in the dirt or to build shelters with. They spark children’s […]
By Arlene, Dayhome Educator in Fort McMurray Unfavorable air quality prompted us to stay inside today. To accommodate this change, I devised a simple playdough invitation featuring dinosaurs, allowing for a seamless transition to imaginative play. Playdough is a wonderful sensory and learning experience for children. As my little children shape the playdough into a […]
By Ruthchel Solatorio, Dayhome Educator in Fort McMurray After breakfast, I invited the children for our first activity of the day, painting rocks. We used the rocks we collected from the park/playground. The children were so excited when I told them it’s time to paint the treasures (rocks) we found outside. Before we started painting, […]
By Uzma Tariq, Dayhome Educator in Edmonton Sometimes I make kids favorite flat bread. They call it blow up bread because it blows up with steam when I cook it. Today at lunch time, when I started preparing lunch, Shay asked me what is for lunch today? When I told her that I am going […]
By Ruthchel V, Dayhome Educator in Fort McMurray Group time activity promotes social, participation, and problem solving. This morning the kids were practicing balancing yogurt containers on their heads. There was lots of giggling and they were just having fun watching each other. Outdoor playing in the dirt: The exploration begins with lots of imagination, […]
Learning Story by Jhoan Dela Cruz, Dayhome Educator in Edmonton With lots of loose parts and open-ended materials offered, I was lucky to observe a gorgeous interaction between Jiro and Jimmel. Jimmel and Jiro engage socially with one another, playing blocks and cars together. “Pick,” Jiro asserts, handing the dime carton blocks or coin rollers […]