By Arlene, Dayhome Educator in Fort McMurray
Unfavorable air quality prompted us to stay inside today. To accommodate this change, I devised a simple playdough invitation featuring dinosaurs, allowing for a seamless transition to imaginative play.
Playdough is a wonderful sensory and learning experience for children.
As my little children shape the playdough into a ball or a log, they’re thinking creatively. The squeezing, pinching and pulling movements also strengthen these children’s hand muscles and develop their fine motor skills.
I provided H with small pots to encourage his culinary interests, which he has shown a strong affinity for. He then proceeded to use these pots to create playdough dishes.
Little Miss H’s singing of the ABC song during playdough playtime inspired me to provide alphabet dough cutters, which added an extra layer of enjoyment to her playtime.
W and V demonstrated their proficiency in playdough artistry by creating a habitable cave for dinosaurs and unearthing fossils within the malleable medium. Overall, it was a very productive day.