By Breezy Divino, Dayhome Educator in Edmonton
Today, Frida and Mila engaged in patterning through the use of farm animals.
Using Farm Toys and Sensory Materials as a Provocation
Using our well-loved toys and sensory materials, the children were invited through a provocation. They
eagerly sat and started touching the items. Frida recognized the animals and began singing “Old MacDonald Had a Farm” and Mila and I replied, “e-i-e-i-o!”

They reached to the other side of the table to join all the toys together. Frida asked if she could get the lion. I said of course! She then stood from her chair and took the animals that she wanted to add to her
Children’s Interactions
Mila: “Look!”
I commented: “They look the same to me! Are they twins?”
Mila happily said, “Yes! They’re cows!
I asked, “What do the cows say again, I forgot?”
She quickly responded, “Moooo!”
I positioned the people facing each other. I asked them, “What do you think they are talking about?”
Frida replied. “They’re singing Old MacDonald had a farm…” and we all chanted,“E-I-E-I-O!”
Later on, Frida stood up and placed one animal on the counter. Mila saw it and copied her.
She placed her two cows beside it. Soon, the counter was filled up with animals that were lined up together!
One by one, we distinguished each animal and the sounds that they make.
I asked, “What are the animals lining up for?”
Frida answered, “They’re waiting for the tractor.”
I added, “They want to ride in the tractor?” She agreed. “Where is the tractor going?” I asked again.
She replied, “It’s bedtime!”
She showed me the carpets that were also lined up on the table.
The animals were all going to take a nap!
Through their interactions, they encouraged Khiel to play with them!

Positioning Schema
POSITIONING: Children can be seen positioning, ordering and arranging objects or themselves. At times children may be obsessive in placing items in the exact place (e.g. on top, next to, in front of, around the edge, beside, behind) of an object or person. The children may be observed lining up objects in order
of size, colour or shape.
Positioning activities support math concepts in children, as one of its many benefits.