walking in forest

By Kathy McCallum, Dayhome Educator in St. Albert

Sticks are by far the most desired tool in our program. There are so many different ways to use them. For example, to dig holes, to measure how deep a puddle is, to write or draw in the dirt or to build shelters with.

They spark children’s imagination when they become wands, fishing rods or cooking spoons to make mud soup with. We’ve seen them being used as drum sticks, hammers, saws and claws. The possibilities are endless.

Not only are sticks amazing for imaginative play, they are also great for developing fine and gross motor skills. The children’s muscles are constantly engaged by moving, lifting, dragging and holding sticks. Furthermore, the children are learning to be aware of their personal space because they are now responsible for handling their stick in a safe manner which includes to look out for other children around them.


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